Friday, April 09, 2010

Alloderm - The solution for gingival esthetic problems

Alloderm is a product which is used in human implants gingival grafts, periodontal grafts, gingiva recessions etc etc.

It is made out of real human tissues. Unlike other membranes, Alloderm is natural and they slowly get integrated into the tissue of an individual. Alloderm is used in various oral grafting procedures like augmentation of soft tissue, lip augmentation, gingiva defects around dental implants etc.
It is of more use for people having harvestable tissue deficiency. These grafts have minimal side effect as compared to the various other methods.

For processing Alloderm, a buffered salt solution is used to remove the epidermis. The multiple cells that are present inside the dermis are then washed away with the help of a non-denaturing detergent wash. The tissue matrix obtained after extraction is preserved with the help of a special freezing drying process.

The major advantage of using Alloderm is that you can create multiple sites in a single surgery. Another advantage of Alloderm is that it removes cells that cause infection or rejection in an individual.
Shrinkage poses the only major threat while using Alloderm, the signs of shrinkage may take quite some time to appear. Alloderm is safe, natural and effective and these are the qualities which makes it highly popular. The fact that these products become an integral part of an individual may sound scary, but it is not so.
It is true that Alloderm offers a lot of benefit. However, there are also some side effects associated with its use. Some of the most common side effect of Alloderm is swelling, redness, bruising, excessive pain etc. Bruising caused due to its use can also last for a couple weeks.

Despite its few disadvantages, this product is being widely used in various implant and periodontal surgeries.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

All Ceramic Crown VS Esthetic composite Restoration

All Ceramic Crowns and Esthetic composite are both dental restoration methods. Both are equally popular but they differ widely from each other. This article will give you a brief insight on both these methods.

An all-ceramic crown completely encircles or caps a tooth or a dental implant. Dental cement is used of bonding crown with the tooth.
Crowns not only impart strength to the fixed tooth but also it gives a pleasant appearance. Inlays, crown lays, porcelain veneers and various other varieties of crown can be made out of ceramic materials, also using CAD/CAM systems. The advantage of using ceramic crowns is that they are higly esthetic, durable and easy to maintain. Also, since these are made up of solid porcelain, their color matches the shade and color of the teeth.
These crowns are made up of either pressed ceramics or feldspathic porcelains. These restorations require wider shoulder margins and a small reduction across the chewing surface of the teeth. The major disadvantage of using ceramic crowns is that these involve risk of fracture. Also, it has been noticed in some cases that the patient who have ceramic crowns on their teeth grinds their teeth excessively.

On the other hand, Esthetic composite restorations are used as adhesives or restorative materials in dentistry. These are used in dentistry because these are insensitive to dehydration and are esthetic, inexpensive and insoluble. These can also be manipulated easily. These are commonly composed of Bis-GMA monomers, a photo initiator and a filler material like silica. The scientific knowledge and artistic ability produce strong, esthetic, and long-lasting restorations. However, this method too has some disadvantages. It is said that composite restoration causes craze lines, stains, dentin exposure, chips, cracks, surface defects, and developmental defects.

However, despite of their various shortcomings both these methods are widely used for dental restoration.

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